Tag Archives: esp

How to write a paper about ESP

Dr. Peter Venkman of “Ghostbusters”, testing ESP with a Zener card.
Image source

The term paper assignment for my recently completed (A!) course on Information Services and Resources was to write a bibliographical essay on a subject of our choosing.  After having a patron at my library ask for more on the subject of extrasensory perception, I decided to focus on that.  Turns out there’s a wide variety of information on ESP out there, and I found some but not nearly all of it. I’m putting my paper online so it can serve as an aid for anyone else looking to write about it, which is really what the paper is supposed to do.  One of many interesting aspects of the study of ESP, and something I discuss in my paper, is the difference between those who believe in it and those who don’t, and how that belief affects the written record of the subject. I found  a rather unsettling entry for “extrasensory perception” in Grolier’s Encyclopedia Americana that seemed remarkably pro-ESP, and turned out to have been written by a former president of the Parapsychological Association.  Just goes to show the value of evaluating your sources!

With hope that it may prove of use, attached please find Zener Cards, Electrograms, and Old Billy M’Connell: A Bibliographic Essay on ESP.